Competitive Analysis

3 05 2011

Criteria for analysis

Since the website I designed for COMM 3533 is a game art portfolio website, each website I will be analyzing must contain the following items:

  • It must be a portfolio;
  • It should be targeting potential employers or creative professionals;
  • The site should be public, contain a résumé, and display artistic works;
  • It must be search-engine friendly, and reflect a designer’s creativity or ingenuity.

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Patton Speech on D-Day, Minus One

26 04 2011

George Smith Patton was a General with the United States Army during World War II.  He is best known for his guidance during the world war, and was also well known for how open he was while speaking.  Enter D-Day, minus one.  The speech he gave to the Third Army who were about to raid France was, and still is one of his most famous speeches.  In this speech, Patton uses victimage rhetoric to attempt to stir up a significant amount of emotion.  More specifically, Patton uses war rhetoric—that is, he is uniting his soldiers against the axis powers.  He dehumanizes, emasculates, and embarrasses the enemy in an attempt to inspire his men.  Interestingly enough, Patton also uses martyr victimage to create a commonality within his Third Army.  He details various inspirational individuals whom he defines as “real men” and heroic.  Undoubtedly, this did inspire and persuade his men.  He also turns this around to once again emasculate the enemy, establishing that the enemy wasn’t smart or manly enough to see them coming.

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203 CSS Websites

19 04 2011

203 Manually Selected Sites About Style Sheets

I discovered this site while stumbling.  I know my usual posts are about design and design tools, but there’s so much information on this site that I had to post it.

This particular site links to 203 different websites regarding style sheets, proper formatting, and various tools.

This website could be considered the Swiss Army Knife of CSS sites… just like a Swiss Army Knife, this can help you with just every need you have.

Granted, the layout and design of the site is terrible.  But it’s simple, and well organized.

WordPress and HTML

23 03 2011

HTML and WordPress are, for the most part, 100% compatible. Here’s an exercise to help you learn some html. Now, the goal of this is to NEVER use any of the buttons you see in the editor during this exercise.

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API (Discussion Topic)

15 03 2011

Useful Color Scheme Designer

1 03 2011

Here’s a site I found VERY helpful, and it plays on what Karen Zimmerman was teaching regarding hue and design:

This site is specifically designed to help a person pick the colors that would complement their site, with all variations based on mono, complement, triad, tetrad, analogic, and accented analogic choices (think back to the color wheels she presented in class).

You choose the hue variation (ie, triad) and then when you find the colors you like, simply mouse over the color and you have what’s called the hex value.  On WordPress, you can usually find the colors in the “Theme Options”.  Simply input the hex value that you want.

If I ever need to develop a color scheme, this is the place I go.

I will have to say that I don’t necessarily agree with all the color variations that the site gives—which is why it’s good to have a sandbox WordPress site.

Page Navigation Menus

22 02 2011

In response to what will be today’s lesson in Web Design, I remembered that a while back I had bookmarked a website that contained some extremely well designed website navigation menus.  Most of the navigation menus can be coded rather easily.  The one I find particularly intriguing is the 3rd one down on the list, the “Fredric Aasbo” website.  I won’t link to the site, since there does seem to be something wrong with the website, but I’ll show a screenshot of the page:

I really love how simple the navigation looks, but yet has the element at the top that adds a lighting effect on the navigation button.  The “light” also shows you what page you are on.  The only thing I don’t particularly like about the navigation is how large the navigation buttons are.  I feel they could have been much smaller and still would have given the same effect.


13 01 2011

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque aliquet enim nec est luctus vulputate. Nunc fringilla tortor non lacus cursus ultrices. Fusce metus mi, tempor nec interdum vitae, iaculis sed tortor. Proin eu felis quis urna consectetur dapibus. Vivamus ornare, nunc a mattis facilisis, diam mi gravida nisl, ut feugiat ante odio ac lectus. Praesent facilisis tempus vehicula. Etiam sit amet purus at felis consequat euismod non vitae ipsum. Nulla vitae lorem metus. In posuere, nulla vitae tincidunt egestas, libero tellus malesuada urna, vel tincidunt justo nibh ullamcorper lacus. Ut magna arcu, scelerisque et posuere in, tincidunt vitae nisl. Vestibulum blandit, orci nec facilisis cursus, libero mi viverra libero, sed consequat metus dui non nunc.

Curabitur tincidunt mauris nec mauris sollicitudin lacinia. Suspendisse ullamcorper tempor mi vel faucibus. Integer fermentum auctor tellus, nec commodo felis laoreet non. Nam faucibus orci sit amet purus aliquam non consequat justo ultricies. Fusce bibendum, felis vehicula mollis mattis, mauris felis dapibus ligula, vel ornare libero leo vel augue. Quisque mi est, iaculis id fringilla ac, euismod ut ligula. Mauris nec risus ut leo malesuada pellentesque. Curabitur consequat dolor nec dolor suscipit gravida commodo nulla accumsan. Morbi metus justo, ornare eget vestibulum id, consequat non nibh. Pellentesque ac orci tellus, in consectetur tellus.

And yet again… many WEEKS later

28 11 2010

It’s been hard to stay on top of the blogging!

A few weeks back, Steve approached me and told me that he had a proposition for me.  He had been asked by Dr. Hobson to do the audio for “Joseph’s Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat,” but was unable to fulfill his commitment since Creatio had grown so rapidly.  So he asked me if I could do it in his place. Read the rest of this entry »

Another Post After Many Days

21 10 2010

Woops, forgot to put in a few more days.

Let’s see: Last week I didn’t get a chance to go in at all (sick kid), but the week before Steve started showing me how the board in Mama Bear works.  I started experimenting with it a bit on my own time so I could get used to it.

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